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About Me

Hi! I'm so incredibly honored that you're here! I'm Nicole- a North Myrtle Beach, SC native who loves any chance she can get to capture precious moments with paint. I now live in Lexington, SC near Lake Murray- where you will often find myself and my husband cruising around on our Sea Hunt on any given nice day-when I'm not at a wedding of course :). 

I began my small business during the tumultuous year of 2020- I know, what a wild time to start a business! Truth is I can't sit still and always have multiple projects going on, so when I was furloughed from my job and a newlywed myself, I took to painting friends' wedding paintings for something to occupy my time. Turns out a was kinda good at it, and now we're here doing 50+ weddings/events a year as well as commissions & gallery work! I can't believe this little business has taken off- and a lot of it is owed to my clients. Thank you all for tagging along on this journey of mine- I can't begin to explain how thankful and honored I am. 

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